Prompt: Design a food order customization app for a beachside snack shop.
My Role: Lead UX designer and researcher
Responsibilities: user research, design, wireframing, and prototyping
I conducted some primary foundational research by sending out a screener survey to find a representative sample. I then conducted user interviews to determine pain points when it came to customizing food orders. I held 15 interviews to obtain in-depth qualitative responses regarding key aspects of the prompt.
"I have a peanut allergy so I get angry when ingredients aren't listed."

Insight: We learned that the majority of participants felt unlikely to order food through an app if they didn't have the ability to customize their order due to either religious or health preferences or food allergies.

Empathy Maps, Personas, User Stories, & User Journey Maps
These were used to create obstacle-free paths for users, highlight new pain points, and identify improvement opportunities.

Problem Statement:
Blake is a 55 year old married father of two who needs a customizable ingredient list when placing food orders because of a peanut allergy.
Storyboard, Wireframe, Prototype


Paper Wireframes App Mobile

Paper Wireframes Desktop Tablet

Digital Wireframes

Digital Wireframe Prototype
I selected 5 users to participant in an unmoderated usability study of my lo-fi prototype.
I iterated based on the insights before creating a mockup.